Obaveštavamo vas da će od danas – ponedeljka, 5. juna (12 časova) do ponedeljka 12. juna (12 časova) biti otvoren sistem akreditovanja za predstojeću prijateljaku utakmicu reprezentacije Srbije protiv reprezentacije Jordana 16. juna na stadionu ”Viola Park” u Beču od 20 sati i 30 minuta (direktan TV prenos Arena sport i RTS).
Mediji iz Srbije
Vaše zahteve možete poslati na sledeću adresu: [email protected] na memorandumu vaše medijske kuće, uz kopiju validne novinarske legitimacije. Zahtev mora da sadrži ime i prezime izveštača i poziciju na stadionu sa koje će izveštavati (print i elektronski mediji za novinarsku ložu, fotoreporteri za poziciju na terenu, radio izveštači za njima određene pozicije kao i televizijski reporteri).
Mediji iz inostranstva
Vaše zahteve možete poslati na sledeću adresu: [email protected].
Neophodno je priložiti sledeće podatke:
Kopiju idenfitikacionog dokumenta (lična karta ili pasoš)
Kopiju novinarske akreditacije
Potvrdu o zaposlenju u kompaniji čije su delatnosti medijske usluge
Kopiju akreditacije sa događaja na kojima ste bili angažovani
Opšte informacije
Apsolutna TV prava za ovu utakmicu pripadaju TV Arena sport i RTS, tako da je obavezno ostavljanje kamere pri ulasku u medija centar u posebnoj prostoriji kod ulaza ili u pres sali. Na terenu nisu dozvoljene kamere izuzev Arene, RTS-a, FS Srbije i FS Jordana.
Informaciju o tome da li vam je odobrena akreditacija možete dobiti od utorka, 6. juna, kontakt telefon +381648180056.
Akreditacije ćemo izdavati na ulazu za medije, zapadna tribina stadiona ”Viola Park” isključivo dan pred utakmicu uoči konfrencije za medije fudbalske reprezentacije Srbije (o terminu akreditovani mediji biće naknadno inforimisani).
Fudbalski savez Srbije zadržava pravo da utvrdi konačan broj izdatih akreditacija u skladu sa raspoloživim kapacitetom medija centra na stadionu i sledećim prioritetima:
1. medijski partneri FSS 2. sportske redakcije, odnosno mediji; 3. ostali informativni mediji, u skladu sa tiražom i uticajem na medijskom tržištu U slučaju bilo kakvih pokušaja nepravilnosti ili zloupotreba akreditacija neće biti odobrena.
Reprezentacija Srbije će treću utakmicu u kvalifikacijama za Evropsko prvenstvo odigrati 20. juna u Razgradu protiv Bugarske (Huveparma Arena, 20.45 – TV prenos Arena sport i RTS). Za medije iz Srbije sistem areditovanja organizuje FS Srbije i zahteve prosleđuje Bugarske. Sistem akreditovanja je otvoren od ponedeljka 5. juna (12 časova) do ponedeljka 12. juna (12 časova). Neophodno je poslati ime i prezime izveštača, kopiju pasoša i poziciju na stadionu (novinar, snimatelj, fotoreporter).
Dear all,
We inform you that from today – Monday, June 5 (12:00 noon) to Monday June 12 (12:00 noon), the accreditation system will be open for the upcoming friendly match between Serbian and Jordan national team on June 16 at the „Viola Park“ stadium in Vienna from 20:30 h (direct TV broadcast on Arena Sport and RTS).
Media from Serbia
You may apply for the accreditation at the following e-mail: [email protected] using the letterhead of your media company, along with a copy of a valid press ID. The request must contain the first and last name of the reporter and the position in the stadium from which they will report (press box for the print and electronic media, position around the field of play for photojournalist, radio reporters as well as television reporters for their designated positions).
Media from abroad
You may apply for the accreditation at the following e-mail: [email protected].
It is necessary to provide the following information:
Copy of identification document (identity card or passport)
A copy of the journalist’s accreditation
Certificate of employment with a company whose activities are media services.
A copy of the accreditation from the events at which you were engaged.
General information
The absolute TV rights for this match belong to TV Arena sport and RTS, so it is mandatory to leave the camera when entering the media centre in a special room near the entrance or in the press room. Cameras are not allowed on the field of play except for Arena, RTS, FA of Serbia and FA of Jordan.
You can get information on whether your accreditation has been approved from Tuesday, June 6, contact phone +381648180056.
We will issue accreditations at the entrance for the media, the west stand of the „Viola Park“ stadium, the day before the game only, before the press conference of the Serbian football team (accredited media will be informed about the date).
The Football Association of Serbia reserves the right to determine the final number of available accreditations in accordance with the available capacity of the media centre at the stadium and the following priorities:
1. media partners of FSS
2. sports newsroom, i.e., media;
3. other information media, in accordance with the circulation and influence on the media market.
In case of any attempt at irregularities or abuse, the accreditation will not be approved.
The Serbian national team will play the third match in the qualifiers for the European Championship on June 20 in Razgrad, vs. Bulgaria (Ḫuveparma Arena, 8:45 p.m. – TV broadcasters: Arena sport and RTS). For media from Serbia, the accrediting system is organized by the FS of Serbia and the requests are forwarded to Bulgaria. The accreditation system is open from Monday, June 5 (12:00) to Monday, June 12 (12:00). It is necessary to send the name and surname of the reporter, a copy of the passport and the position at the stadium (journalist, cameraman, photojournalist).
Kind regards,