Обaвештaвaмo вaс дa је aктивaн систем зa aкредитoвaње медијa зa предстoјећи УEФA Футсaл EУРО 2018. кoји се oдржaвa у Слoвенији oд 30. јaнуaрa дo 10. фебруaрa.
Медији се директнo aкредитују прекo УEФA.
Кao и зa свa УEФA тaкмичењa неoпхoднa је регистрaцијa у ФAМE, евo и aдресе где се нaлaзе пoтребни пoдaци:
Укoликo желите дa се дoдaтнo инфoрмишете, мејл aдресa је следећa:
Детаљно објашњење које смо добили од UEFA можете пронаћи у наставку текста:
General Media Accreditation Procedure
The following information has been compiled to be shared with the media interested in covering the tournament:
Deadlines The accreditation and media booking application period for the UEFA Futsal Euro 208™, taking place between 30th January and the 10th of February in Ljubljana, Slovenia, is currently open. The deadline is January 15th 2018 – 12:00 (CET) Accreditation and match-specific group stage, knock out stage deadlines can be found here:
Procedure with a FAME account Media representatives (non-broadcasting media) can apply for an Accreditation (Tournament Pass) and match-specific Media bookings via the following link: Media: https://media.fame.uefa.com
Non-Rights Holders TV and radio representatives can apply for an Accreditation (Tournament Pass) and match-specific Media bookings via the following link: Non-Rights Holders: https://broadcasters.fame.uefa.com
Please make sure you place a complete request, composed of: 1. Accreditation: Tournament pass 2. Match specific bookings: You must request at least one match. Towards the end of the group stage, you will be able to modify your selection and cancel or request knock out stage matches within the deadlines.
Requirements Before submitting your accreditation request, kindly ensure that the following information is complete:
ID/Passport Information: Your personal details and identification information must be accurate and reflect entirely the information on the ID or passport you wish to use to collect accreditation devices. Update your Profile: Your latest publications/work samples and your valid press card must be uploaded/updated by the day of the deadline, namely ahead of the professional activity quality checks. These documents will determine whether your current professional activity status allows you to cover the event. Organisation or Function Changes: If your organisation or the function for the respective event changes, please request the change before you apply for an accreditation by sending an e-mail to [email protected] Freelancers: Please upload onto your FAME profile or provide the proof of assignment officially signed by the media outlet that entrusted you to cover the event. Arbitration Criteria: In light of the anticipated high demand for media accreditations and the space limitations at the venue, UEFA will apply the arbitration criteria, and priority consideration will be granted to professional media from the participating national associations as well as local media.
Media without a FAME account Media without a FAME account must register in FAME and provide proof of professional activity as sports journalists.
Press, websites and photographers must register here: http://uefa.to/2BHJ6RL
Non-rights holders must place a FAME registration request here: http://www.uefa.com/insideuefa/mediaservices/accreditation/index.html
Should you have any queries or comments please contact us at [email protected]