


The most important match in the recent history of Serbian football

Full stadium “crashes” Wales

Another big obstacle on the way to Russia 2018 stands before Serbia. The Wales team does not have much of a choice before the match in Belgrade on 11 June on the “Rajko Mitic” stadium, and our win would get closer the National Coach Slavoljub Muslin to a final goal. Available to the media today were  brothers Matić Nemanja and Uroš, and Luka Milivojevic. And of course, the first question went to younger Matić, midfielder of Danish Copenhagen, and referred to the process of his adaptation 

-To be honest, I knew most of the guys before, so it was not difficult for me to adapt. Naturally, I have my brother with me to help me and, if need be, show me the way, so everything would be in order. I feel great honor that I am a Serbian representative player – said Uroš Matić.

The reporters were interested in “comparison” of football qualities of Matić brothers, and Nemanja gave the reply

-What can I say for my own brother? Well, that he is a true professional, one hundred percent in football. He has lots of qualities which perhaps in earlier years were hidden, but in previous year or two he has “matured” and does the right thing on the field of play. I think we are much alike in play, and yet everyone has his own qualities. The teammates already commented that – on the field of play – we move the same way and walk similarly. The only difference is that I have a little bit more experience – said the Chelsea’s ace.

Luka Milivojević took care of forecast for duel with the Welsh … – We have enough days before us to see the Wales team through thorough analysis of the technical staff. (ova rečenica mi nije baš bila jasna na srpskom jeziku ali mislim da je ovo suština – molim autora da pogleda) There are plenty of things to fix, and as for the result, a point or three, we should not calculate. We're going for a win, as always in these qualifications. Basically, we have an important match ahead of us- leaves no dilemma Luka Milivojević.

The day when the FSS got its platinum sponsors – “Planetwin 365”, the journalists have emphasized the fact that Serbia, according to quotas, is a favorite … – We should not be taking care of quotas; we have to be focused on our work and to be ready for what awaits us on Sunday. We want three points and now it is our only concern – said Uroš Matić.

Nemanja spoke on the topic of whether Serbia is overvalued or undervalued on the lists…

– Realistically we have to accept the role of favorite on our field of play, but we all also know that all teams are progressing, and everyone wants to win. Definitely there are no outsiders in football today. I expect, therefore, an exciting game, I believe that we are better and closer to success.

“The Eagles” have players who have just rejoiced in the recently finished respective

 national leagues.                                 

– Surely it means a lot that the guys won trophies, titles in the championship and the National Cup. It is good for the atmosphere in the national team, this winning mentality, and the fact that for example, in five previous matches in qualifying round we managed to return from a certain “minus phase” and achieve a result which suits us – vividly explained Luka Milivojevic .

In the end about the individual players from the Wales team, and about hopes that our biggest stadium will be filled to capacity:

-Many of their players are pretty standard in their clubs, but an individual cannot do everything   alone, and it all depends on the team. As for the public, I think we started the qualifications without the support of the public, but we believe that, in view of our results so far, we deserve a full stadium. This is the most important match in the recent history of Serbian football and I've already booked about 100 tickets for my friends. I hope that there will be close to 50 thousand spectators – said Nemanja Matić, and his brother Uroš added. – If it's a full stadium there will be no problems with the motivation or the drive and then the three points will be very close too.