


Please be informed that as from today, Tuesday, 22th August 2017, media accreditation system for the 2018 FIFA World Cup qualifier Serbia – Moldova (Saturday, 2nd September 2017, stadium Partizan in Belgrade, at 18:00 hrs) and 2019 UEFA EC U-21 qualifier Serbia – Gibraltar (Friday, 1st September 2017, Gradski Stadium in Jagodina, at 18:00 hrs) has started.

Accreditation requests can be submitted till Wednesday, 30th August 2017, at 16:00 hrs. Please send your application requests (on your media house letterhead) to the following email: [email protected].

Application request will contain first and last name of a reporter, his/hers position at the stadium (printed and electronic media for the press box, photographers for pitch positions, radio reporters for their respective positions and TV broadcasters that are not TV right holders and, let us remind you, may not transmit/film A team match, for U21 match you need to contact broadcaster for Serbia TV Arena sport).

You may collect your approved accreditation passes for both matches in the premises of the Football Association of Serbia, Terazije 3, 8th floor, on Thursday, 31st August and Friday, 1st September 2017, from 10:00 till 14:00 hrs.

Accreditation passes for the U-21 match can also be collected at the Gradski Stadium in Jagodina, on the match day, 1st September 2017, in the period from 16:00 till the match kick-off.

Accreditation passes for the A match Serbia – Moldova can also be collected in Sports Society “Partizan” (entrance is near the restaurant at the stadium), on the match day, Saturday, 2nd September 2017, in the period from 12:00 till the match kick-off.

As from Thursday, 31st August 2017 you will be able to check if your accreditation request has been approved by dialing the number 064 8181 00 10.

Entrance to the stadium will be allowed only to those having two documents in their possession: accreditation pass and stamped media IDs. IDs issued by the following societies will be valid during idetification process: USN Srbija, USN Beograd, DSN Vojvodina, UNS, AIPS, NUNS and national societies.

Changing of accreditation, i.e. names of the applied media persons, is not possible and accreditation passes will be issued only to the individuals whose names are on the accreditation list. Any misuse will be sanctioned by suspending accreditation rights for the matches organised by FA of Serbia. Accreditation control will be performed at the entrance.

Number of seats is limited and media editorial offices are kindly asked to apply the number of press people according to their real needs.

Football Association of Serbia keeps the right to establish the final number of issued accreditation passes in accordance with available capacity and the following priorities:


Media partners of the FA of Serbia

Sports media offices, i.e. sports media

Other information media, in accordance with their circulation and impact on the media market


You are kindly asked to respect the stated accreditation pass deadline in full. Otherwise, you will not be able to collect your match accreditation passes.