


Another winter school of the Football Association of Serbia has been completed, a camp that gathered 120 of the most talented boys from Serbia from 10th to 21st January, a school that will educate new stars of the Serbian National football team.

The instructor service led by the coordinator Borislav Cvetković is satisfied with what was done during the camp, and it is interesting that the regional and district instructors worked according to the new program whose implementation was assigned to Mr. Dalibor Zorko, the expert manager of the project.

The work plan has successfully implemented a part of a new project aimed at forming footballers and healthy individuals. In addition to specific training sessions, with the aim of forming personality of future athletes, the program is completed with classes of educative preparation and obligatory classes within the school curriculum, including reading the obligatory literature. Following the model of the most successful European selections, children received information on the importance of education, important during the football career, but also after its completion.

The guest of the camp was representative player Antonio Rukavina's, and the boys with great interest absorbed the advices of this player who spent the holiday season working in the Sports Center of the FA of Serbia.

The sports sector FSS, led by sports director Darko Kovačević and coordinator of youth teams Goran Vasilijević, monitored with great attention the implementation of the new program as a long-term strategy for the creation of an authentic Serbian football school. The Sports Sector and the managers of the instructor service are optimistic and believe that the new future stars of Serbian football have just started their football path in Stara Pazova.