


Slaviša Kokeza: Excellent cooperation of FA of Serbia and UEFA

Aleksander Čeferin: Prime Minister Vučić has promised help in construction of the national stadium, UEFA will help too


“This is a big day for football Serbia”, these are the words of FA of Serbia President, Slaviša Kokeza and they speak best about importance of the UEFA President Aleksander Čeferin visit to our country. Accompanied by UEFA National Associations Director, Zoran Laković, UEFA President also visited FA of Serbia Sports Centre together with the Serbian FA President Slaviša Kokeza and former, and now Honorary President, Tomislav Karadžić.

FA of Serbia President Slaviša Kokeza emphasised importance of this visit.

– This is an important day for football Serbia and I would like to thank Mr Čeferin for finding time to visit us. We have talked about football development in Serbia and I think that we have managed to agree a lot of good things. UEFA and FA of Serbia have excellent cooperation, which can be seen on the recent example of FK Partizan. I can only say to Mr Čeferin one big “thank you for everything.” In the next ten days we will start realisation of artificial grass pitches project, which will be in cooperation with municipality and city authorities – said Slaviša Kokeza.

Aleksander Čeferin was also very happy to be in Serbia…

– I am happy to be here. FA of Serbia supported me even when I had been far from presidential elections at UEFA, and thus showed they were wise, and not someone who would enter the race only when the winner was known – said UEFA President in excellent Serbian he learnt during his army time in former Yugoslavia, and then addressed the problems our football encounters.

– Infrastructure is the biggest problem of the Serbian football. We have talked to the Serbian prime Minister who promised he would take part in financing various projects. I am glad we obtained a personal guarantee from Mr Vučić that the state would give a few million Euros to build artificial grass pitches, and also the national stadium. As for UEFA, we have already financially assisted the FA of Serbia a lot, and we will continue with it – stated the UEFA President.

Media representatives were interested in his views regarding hooliganism at stadiums in Serbia and the region…

– Football organisations are not the only ones that can fight against that, governments must be included as well. That is why we talk to them wherever we go. Perpetrators can't be at stadiums, and Serbia is in danger to be excluded from European competitions because of incidents. That is where the state institutions must do their part of the job – said Aleksander Čeferin.

Of course, an issue that couldn't be overlooked – regional league…

– There are opinions, but, at the moment, nothing more than that. In media it was represented as if UEFA had already supported the ex-Yu league, but that was a misinformation. We do plan such leagues, but I can only say that they won't substitute national competitions that represent football base – UEFA President was clear on that issue.

Aleksandar Čefering was presented by the FA of Serbia President Slaviša Kokeza with a plaque of our FA and a Serbian team shirt with UEFA President's last name on it, while Čeferin presented our FA with the UEFA pennant.