



A project and venture that has given generations realization of a dream, the new pride of football Serbia, a fantastic facility for the city of Leskovac, a real theatre of dreams or Serbian Old Trafford, the “Dubočica” stadium. A day that will be remembered in the south of Serbia, because this pride of the nation was visited by a man who, with his vision and initiative, made football Serbia celebrate today in Leskovac, but also in Loznica, Zaječar and other cities in the days to come, new stadiums are being built according to the highest UEFA standards. President of the Republic of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić came to Leskovac today, accompanied by ministers Goran Vesić, Bratislav Gašić and Marko Blagojević and the President of the Republic of Srpska Milorad Dodik. Mr President was welcomed, in addition to the host, by mayor Goran Cvetanović, top management of the FA of Serbia, practically the entire management led by the FA president Dragan Džajić, vice presidents Branislav Nedimović, Sandra Sremčević and Janoš Žemberi, general secretary Jovan Šurbatović, Executive Committee members, the FA’s former head Nenad Bjeković, but also the head-coach Dragan Stojković, sports sector director Miroslav Tanjga, a legend of Leskovac and a coach in the Serbian A team technical staff Bratislav Živković… There were also many emotions on the stands of the stadium where many children and residents of Leskovac greeted the president of the Republic and football legends, above all Dragan Džajić and Dragan Stojković.

“Everyone has already heard everything about the stadium, but I just want to ask you and your coaches to be hardworking and diligent, because the beauty of the stadium will not lead to results”, the Serbian president addressed the citizens present. “The same goes for the idle stories, they will not bring the results. But the work will. You have to make a lot of effort to come here and live for this ball and for this stadium, you have to shed a lot of sweat even when you do not succeed and when you fail. You have to say to yourself again and again – I want it better; I want it stronger. You need to work harder and fight your way to the Old Trafford of your dreams, this theatre of our dreams in Leskovac”, said President Aleksandar Vučić and received a big, big round of applause from everyone present at the new stadium in Leskovac.

Dragan Džajić, our best football player of the 20th century, legendary player and later prominent official, now the president of our football association, also addressed the present at the stadium.

“It is my great pleasure to be in Leskovac tonight and to see such a magnificent stadium, one of the most beautiful stadiums in Serbia. I am not saying this out of courtesy, but because it really looks fantastic. And I am also glad that not only Dubočica will play here, and I wish them to become a member of Super League as soon as possible. I would like Crvena zvezda and Partizan and all other strongest Serbian clubs to play here, as well as the national team, the best one, but

also all the other teams of the Association. It would be a great pity if all the potential of this stadium was not used. The most important thing is that all these children, girls and boys, train hard and become better players that all of us who played in the former Yugoslavia and Serbia. Once again, I have to emphasize and thank the state of Serbia and the president Vućić for really putting in a lot of effort, but also for loving football so much, for loving all other sports. He knows how to support and reward it,” said the first man of Serbian football.

Another football legend, present head-coach of the best national team of Serbia, Dragan Stojković did not hide his enthusiasm for the image from the new stadium in Leskovac.

“I feel very happy, and I truly appreciate the fact that such a stadium is built in the south of Serbia, the stadium that has been a dream for many generations of Dubočica. This stadium represents the pride of the city of Leskovac and the pride of all of you who will come here, after all, and enjoy and support every event staged here. Allow me to express my great gratitude to all of the involved, above all the state of Serbia and its, our president for all the effort and vision they had, because this is really the realization of a dream for many people, especially you who live in the city of Leskovac. And what I can promise you is that you will watch our best national team play here, in this stadium. The team will come in November, and we want to see as many of you as possible, so you can support the players, and they will return the favour with a good game and a victory”, said the head-coach Dragan Stojković and got the applause of the audience in Leskovac.